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All in one place:


Effortlessly extract text from images, documents, and digital surfaces with a single click. Press⇧+⌘+2to capture text.

Organize with tags
Organize with tags

with tags.

Easily add tags to any clipboard item. No more tedious searching; just label and retrieve with precision. With Copaste's tagging, organize by categories such as text, files, images, and more.

Save your
AI prompts.

AI Tag your clipboard history with AI prompts.
Calendar Organize your meetings.
Files Manage copied files.
Images Copy and paste visuals.
Favorites Save your most used ones.
AI promptsCalendarFilesImagesFavorites
All in One Place

All in one

From favorites, texts, images, files, to meeting links and AI prompts, save everything seamlessly. No more juggling between apps—Copaste brings it all under one roof.

Detailed Previews

Detailed Previews

Get a clear view of your copied items. Whether it's a text snippet or an image, Copaste offers a comprehensive preview, complete with details like the date copied, size, and character count.

Absolute Security

Absolute Security

Rest easy knowing Copaste is local-only. Your data stays on your device, ensuring unmatched security and privacy.

Keyboard-Centric Design

Keyboard-Centric Design

Navigate categories, search, and manage your clipboard solely with your keyboard. No more cursor chasing. Pure efficiency.

Light/Dark Mode

Light/Dark Mode

Prefer crisp light or sleek dark mode? Copaste adjusts seamlessly. Switch themes for a comfortable view.

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